Since Our Founding in 1971…
The nonprofit all-volunteer Friends of the Oceanside Public Lirary have raised more than $2 million to help support the Library’s mission – to engage, inform, connect and inspire – and the Library’s vision: That our Library will continue as the cultural heart of Oceanside, promoting the joy of reading, fostering cultural arts, nurturing civic engagement and encouraging openness to new ideas.

Funding from the Friends helps the Library purchase books and other print and digital media; provide programs and events for all ages; offer technology resources such as 3D printing and enhance outreach efforts through bookmobiles, Mini-libraries and home deliveries.

The Friends of the Oceanside Public Library Believe:
– That Oceanside Public Library and its services and programs are an essential source of education, entertainment, and enrichment for our community.
– That every Friend is a voice for advocacy for Oceanside Public Library and all public libraries.
– That Every Friends’ membership lends weight to grant applications.
– That the Library’s commitment to keep pace with the changing technological landscape merits the community’s full support.
The Friends also affirm the Library’s policy of Supporting Intellectual Freedom: “The Library defends the rights of individuals to access information, free from censorship, and defends free speech as protected by the Constitution of the United States.”